Just to reflects all the good memories i had with my colleagues back in Bintulu a few years back. There is quite an interesting experienced with them. I may say the hard work we had to understand and learn about science. Our superior always told us our work is not Animal Planet shows, it is the real science. So, i believe that and for so long i believe our work will mean something for the sake of science. New discoveries makes us feel excited and worth of doing this tough work.
As i came across my old photo folder i saw some of our field trip photos. Maybe i did post it in my previous posts but i will share it again here. Just a little reminder for myself of what we have been gone through all those years working with wildlife.
Sometimes, the road is very bad and we stuck in the middle of nowhere. |
Sometimes we have to climb up and down the hill just to make sure our work is done. |
Sometimes when we are very tired, we take a nap and rest under the acacia trees. |
Sometimes when we get back to our camp we are already starving and we need to cook fast. |
However, still we enjoy the surroundings of our great camp when doing our work. |
Tadaaaa..... We are SuperMan & SuperWoman!!! |
Till then!
Rose Ragai