Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Amazing

I am so happy when receiving emails from my blog which is my dearest Bloggers friend's comments of my post yesterday. I appreciate all of your support and that makes me want to write more and more. For the time being I have to write my posts via my email but since it was working for my yesterday's post so I will continue doing it.

I want to share this beautiful photo of waterfall with you guys. This waterfall is about 210ft and it was so beautiful and amazing. There are still a lot more to explore in that area so hopefully will get more interesting things around that area in future.

Nature is always interesting and amazing….I will never get enough with it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sometimes Things Not Like What You Expect it To Be

I really miss to be active in this blogging activities again. To express what i feel especially when there is nobody i can talk to. I can't really access my blog so i try to write a post through my email. Maybe it will works. I hope so.

To start something new, something that i didn't think before is like a new adventure. When my previous life flow so smoothly, i think it is like i am already in my comfort zone. So, starting something new can become a good thing or bad things but depends on how i handle it.

So much things to share but i can't put it into words now.

Happy Lenten season for all Christians.