Just a bit of reflections to make for this anniversary. I was started my blog two years ago with my very first entry PART 1: MY CHILDHOOD on 22nd April 2008. Only a little bit introduction about myself. Grow up in a small village somewhere in Dalat. (Ops..sorry, i thought this year is my third year blog anniversary but i was wrong. This blog is just reach the age of 2 today. Sorry for wrong info earlier).
The most entries i make was in month of July 2009 with 28 entries. Tried very hard to update my blog everyday so, i can complete 31 days or 30th days in a month. But never make it happen. Anyway, i am still happy that my blog is not that outdated. At least i make an entry every month. Even though only one entry or two in a month.
Hope i can still survive for another more years with this blog. Thanks for blogging friends especially Ratty and rainfiled61 for your never ending support. Both of you always give me encouraging comments that keep my passion to blog about nature. Our loves on nature brings us together and we share our interest with our blogs. Thanks so much guys.
Not to forget for other friends that support me too especially Bibab, Den and also all followers of my blog. For those who follow me on Networked Blog. I appreciated all of your comments and time visiting my blog.
Will blog more of nature for the coming year. Till then!!