Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nature Entry Challenge ~ NEC 2014

It has been a while i am keeping myself sleep in a big hole in the jungle which i end up not update my blog.Well, the truth is that i hate my previous layout and after i change to that layout i don't have time to fixed it. Therefore, i procrastinate and end up, no updates at all until today i decided to go back to BASIC layout. Easy solutions and no fancy things on my blog anymore. Just good enough for me to get back writing and shared my amazing adventures exploring the jungle of Borneo.

Wanna see some of my adventures? Well, let start slow. I will dig up piles of my photos and share it one by one. Because each photos have its own story. That is why i came out with this Nature Entry Challenge. Just want to challenge myself from today till end of the year. How many nature related posts that i can put up on my blog for the rest of the days remaining in this year of 2014.

I left this entry with this photo. My friend Mr. Broadbill say hi to all my readers out there!
