Saturday, March 27, 2010


21 March
World Forest Day
Theme 2010: Save Our Planet

22 March
World Water Day
Theme 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World
For More Info: World Water day 2010

22 April
Earth Day
Theme 2010: You Matter. It Works
For More Info: Earth Day Network

6 May
Astronomic Day
Theme 2010: .........

22 May 
International Day for Biological Diversity (World Biodiversity Day)
Theme 2010: Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Alleviation

5 June
World Environment Day
Theme 2010: Many Species. One Planet. One Future
For More Info: UN World Environment Day 2010

8 June
World Sea Day

Theme 2010: .......

2 July
World Population Day
Theme 2010: Responding  to the economic crisis: investing in women is a smart choice
For More Info: World Population Day

15-17 Sept
World Clearance Week

Theme 2010: ...........

16 Sept
International Ozone Day

 Theme 2010: Save O3ur Sky: Ozone Friendly Planet, Our Target

4 Oct
World Habitat Day

Theme 2010: ......

21-27 Oct
Malaysia Environmental Week
Theme 2010: ......

11 Nov
National Recycle Day
Theme 2010: .........

Support Earth Hour 2010

Earth Hour 2010 is coming our way. What is it about Earth Hour? What is the history behind this movements? 
I myself not really sure what is this all about. Then, tried to figure it our. Doing some search on the net (that is what the technology for)... What did i find out? 

According to the Wikipedia :
Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances  for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights. Following Sydney's lead, many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008. Earth Hour 2010 will take place on March 27, 2010 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time. [Read more at Wikipedia]


So, what holding you back? Together we support this movements and Malaysian let us together switch off our lights at 8.30pm - 9.30pm.... For the sake of our Earth and living things on this earth!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Why This Blog?

Why i come up with the title of My Life Is My Choice for this blog? Okay let me share a little bit story of this blog. My writings is very bad. Grammatical errors is everywhere (and i think i still face the same problem till today). So, i come up with the ideas of blogging. Actually my friend Diana was started first. I saw her do online writing some sort of online diary so i wonder what is that. After a while i tried to discover what is Blogger and then i create this blog. I think it was about two years ago, in 2008. This year is this blog 3rd year anniversary.

Why i choose this title/name? I was thinking of writing about my life at work. During that time, I love my job very much. I like everything that i am doing. Staying in the forest for more than a week. Capturing animals, big and smalls. I just love exploring forests, plantations, rivers...anywhere i can reach. Excited seeing expertise in their own research field. Learn through hands-on experience with them. It was really amazing to work closely with big names, conservationist, ornithologist, biologist, mammalogist, herpetologist etc..... Many more to name them. Those experienced will not easily get and i was so lucky. That's why i wanted to write all of it here in this blog.

However, things change early 2009. I move on with another new job. I can say i totally change my gear from my previous job to this current one. It was two different field. However, my passion about nature, wildlife and forests is still very strong. I still hope that one day i will have another opportunity to switch back to my previous field. This is the reason that i still write about nature, animals, plants, forests, river, waterfalls etc in this blog. I just don't want to change it. So, i keep writing about nature in this blog even though the title is not related to nature. Suppose to be my life at work. Never mind...maybe i will make a little bit changes to this blog. I write more about my activities at work in my other blog Rose's Daily Journal and most of all just rambling and mumblings about my daily life.

Keep on support this blog because i will try my best to keep on talking about nature and other related topics. Still want to share information on the amazing biodiversity of Borneo tropical rainforest.

Till then.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dry Season & Fire

Almost two months without rain, fire is almost everywhere. We struggle from the haze and the weather is very hot. This pictures i took during the fire somewhere at my work place shows how bad the situations about a week ago.

The sun.....

If you don't know, it looks like a morning dew but it is not. There was a forest fire nearby and it was a haze. 

We are so lucky to have rains for two days yesterday and the day before. The haze is no longer in the air. At least we can breath the clean air for now. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Crab - Interesting and pretty

It has been three weeks i didn't update my nature blog. Quite busy with my so packed schedule. Works never finish but i need to rest a little bit.

Okay, what interesting creature i want to share today? Look at this picture and i hope you guys can see it....

While bringing youths during our Environmental Awareness Workshop to nearby beach last week, i was attracted to this little creature. I know that my camera is not good enough to capture a good quality photos of this crab. However, i still wanted to try. This one is my first try and i think the shape of this creature shows it is a crab..hehehe...

How about this one? Just nice even though not as good as high tech cameras. Anyway...i am not sure what is the species and any info of this crab. I have no idea. Want to know? Need to look for experts.....