Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Interesting Insects

A Cricket?
Hmmm......Not sure....
An Ants?
Hmm....looks like the Giant Ant but with wings? Not sure.......


Mr. Smiley said...

Hi Rose

It is a cricket-a Raspy Cricket in the family Gryllacrididae. The genera in this family are in a taxonomic mess and the group is in need of revision. There are winged species and some that have no traces of wings at all. Photos like this one will help anyone who attempts such a task.

By the way, these crickets spin silk with their mouthparts. They use it to tie leaves together to form shelters that they use during the day or, in some species, they make burrows in the ground and line them with silk and use the silk to hermetically seal themselves in tightly during the day. They thus avoid desiccation and predation. Nymphs of most species have the ovipositors recoiled backwards. This may compact their bodies in their shelters.

Dr Dave

Rick (Ratty) said...

This one looks like a cricket to me, and a very interesting one. Dr Dave seems to know what he's talking about, so I'll agree with everything he says.