Sunday, February 27, 2011

Earth Hour is back! Get a free reminder to turn off your lights.

Earth Hour 2011 on 26th March prepares to showcase a global community committed to taking environmental actions that go beyond the hour. Now Malaysians can join this global community to take simple actions towards a more sustainable lifestyle for everyone. For example, individuals can pledge to switch off their TV and computer, instead of leaving these in standby mode.

So, sign up, and make pledge to 

"Live Green: One switch at a time!"


Rick (Ratty) said...

I'm glad you wrote this reminder of Earth Hour. They don't say much about it where I live, so I would not have known.

Rose Ragai said...

Ratty--WWF is actively promote this on their website. I think.. I started to join this cause last year.. just sit in the dark and silence for an hour.. feel great contributing to this cause...hope this year more ppl will turn off their lights for an hour... :-)