Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hunting & Game Management

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people have equal rights and responsibilities, and that among these are the right to a secure and sustainable environment and the responsibility to safeguard such an environment for all." - OCELOT, 2008

Quote that i get from Julian Caldecott website, an ecologist that has spent more than 20 years promoting biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability around the world. To see more about him redirect to this page: Julian Caldecott.

Actually i am searching for more information about hunting and game management to get more ideas and information. While searching i found his website. An interesting one and he did some works in Malaysia (Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak). The interesting part is that, one of his work is related to the topic that i am looking for. He did write one book about Hunting and Wildlife Management in Sarawak. However, i only can see the review but it is good to know that some work has been done 21 years ago.

But, the future is still unknown.


Rick (Ratty) said...

Maybe you can make that future. Then when someone else looks for information about it, they will know to look for your name.

Rose Ragai said...

Ratty--maybe and hopefully i can made it. Thanks for support. :)