Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another New Job!

I never satisfied with my job. Why? Because i keep wanted to do more related with NATURE. Is money everything? Well, to keep myself having food to eat and other basic needs, i will said, i need money. But, money is not everything. I still believe doing something that i can put my heart in it and i feel joy inside my heart, then that is what i suppose to do.

This year is a crazy year! Really tough one and lots of decisions that i have to make especially on jobs and what i want to do next? I risk my future many times and some friend says, i don't have focus in my life. It did makes me feel like, "What is wrong with me?"... Oh well! I choose what i can do BEST! God given me this life and must be He give me some gifts and talents to fulfill His will and this is it! NATURE - animals, plants, waters, soils etc .... Must be i am good in doing work related to this huh? Besides, deep in my heart i LOVE doing it!

I will keep exploring the forest and keep sharing my findings with the world. I am lucky because i have this opportunity and some are not. Why keep it for myself because SHARING is better.

Till my next adventure in the MANGROVE! You will love it as much as i am! SMILE because the nature smiles with you. Ha ha ha ha... (Kadang-kadang sya suka juga merapu-rapu)...

Ouch!!! I am really small. *PEACE*


Rick (Ratty) said...

I hope you have a good time on your new job.

Bornean Rose said...

Hi Ratty!
Thanks for still visiting me and thanks for the drop your encouragement words. Good day to u!