Friday, November 21, 2008

I Got The Aerial Photo of Rajang River

Ops...there is an aeroplane wing in the photo, not a best shot but it shows i am on the plane taking this photo..i don't have so much outdoor activities right now and i found a few photos that i have taken before. This is a photo of Rajang River in Sibu area.

This one is the main Rajang River basin (i think so) and it really looks very amazing from the air.

Aha..i like this one...the tributary from the main river. It looks really nice, it is just look like a tree branch..:)


Rick (Ratty) said...

I like these. Even the one with the aeroplane wing in it. I haven't been in a plane since I was a kid. I always thought it was a great thing to get to look down from that far up in the sky. It must be wonderful.

Rose Ragai said...

Hehe..i like it too..from the air i can see patch of forest and human settlement area.'s a bit surprising that u never travel using plane but it's okay, u will one day..:)